As you know, most carriers offer these two product features: preferred pricing and householding.
This got us thinking, how can we combine these features to help you grow your business?
Consider this fact, 80% of advisors do not know their clients’ children. Which implies, when these clients are gone, their children will not become clients. Advisors will not be able to continue the relationship with the children because it never existed.
So how can you get to know your clients’ children – Householding!
Carriers that offer preferred pricing have features where assets from some or all of the following relations can enjoy lower MERs, spouses, children, parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters. Check with the carrier for their definition of a household.
Usually, if your primary client has assets that reach the preferred pricing threshold, their relatives can also enjoy the lower MERs.
This is a win-win for you and your clients. Your clients get preferred pricing, and you get to know their family.
Now, children won’t be leaving you when their parents pass on.